Friday, 28 November 2014

Bridesmaid and Pageboy review

A couple of days ago, I noticed on the Sylvanian Families Shop Facebook page that the Sylvanian Shop in London has the vintage Bridesmaid and Pageboy set in stock!!! I ordered them yesterday and they have arrived today. Here is what the box looked like:
And when I opened the box up, I could see lots of bubble wrap.
Here they are in the sealed packet they were in:
They're adorable!
Pippa Brighteyes is the first Brighteyes rabbit I have gotten with both ears straight.

She has a lovely outfit.
Peter Honeypot has a nice waistcoat and bow tie.
Here is a look at the back:
They are a perfect addition to any Sylvanian collection so I suggest picking one up while stock lasts. Thanks for reading:)


  1. They are super cute and I love their outfits, just adorable! :)

    1. Thank you! I don't know where the Sylvanian shop finds these things!
