Wednesday, 17 December 2014

School Nativity Play

The pupils of St John's School have been extremely busy over the last few weeks rehearsing for their Nativity play.

Stephanie Clearwater, the vole daughter is playing the role of Mary and Clive Billabong is Joseph. Cybil Clearwater, Stephanie's mother, kindly made the costumes.

Juniper Moss volunteered to bring in her teddy as baby Jesus. 

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The performance started. The lights went out and music began to play. Everybody sang 'Starry Night' and then the show began.

Mark Maces was a rich gentleman. The three owlets, Grumpy, Winky and Blinky were the three wise men. At the end, they all sang 'We Wish You a Merry Christmas'.

                  Merry Christmas!!


  1. Awww, what a cute story and even cuter pictures! Loved the owls as the holy kings! :D So adorable!
    Merry Christmas:)
