Saturday 21 June 2014

Terror in the tunnels part I

One evening in the Dress shop,
Pettyfur guinea pigs were leaving.
They were the last customers of the day. Everybody has gone home and the McBurrows are the only people left in the village. " all we need to do now is to move this crate of dresses outside the door
and tidy up the table.
Meanwhile, in the McBurrows tunnels,
Digger and Muddy were collecting stones.
"well done," said Digger."that is a great amount.
""daddy,I know where there are millions of stones," said Muddy." There's tons just here," said Muddy as he turned round a corner.
But just as Digger came round the corner, he realised that there were two tunnels.
He had no idea which one to choose. Unfortunately, Digger went in the wrong direction.
They both found themselves in a particular part of the tunnels that could collapse easly. "Muddy!!" Shouted Digger. But as soon as he said that, he immediately regretted that, for as he said that the ceiling came down

and lower
until... Back at the dress shop, mrs McBurrows got a phone call.
It was P.C Bobby Roberts the policeman. " I am sorry but I'm afraid the tunnels collapsed whilst your husband and son were still inside them. You have to come here because I can't dig them out and I can't come to you because they might  come out whilst I'm away. Come as soon as possible," said his voice from the phone. " let's hurry quick!!" said a concerned mrs McBurrows. As she tried to open the door, she realised that the crate of dresses was outside blocking the way.
She pushed with all her might but she couldn't get it open.
Molly said " it's ok, everything will be fine," but as Molly said that Mrs McBurrows had that sinking felling that nothing was going to be 'ok.' She couldn't get to them, they couldn't get to them and nobody was around.
The more mrs McBurrows thought about it, the more she didn't think it would be ' ok'...

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