Tuesday, 8 July 2014

Terror in the tunnels part II

Mrs McBurrows was completely helpless. They had to wait for around 5 hours before they 
heard a whistling sound. Molly scrambled to her feet and peered out the window.
" It's mr webster the milkman on his early morning rounds!!" Exclaimed Molly.
" oh deary me! " he said as he put his wing to his beak in shock.
" don't you worry, ladies," he said and with on heave and a ho he pushed the box aside so the door could open.
" THANK YOU EVER SOOOOOOO MUCH!! they cried. " I will do anything for you but right now, I need to find my husband and son," and with that she gave mr webster a little kiss on the cheek.
" goodbye now," they called to a speechless mr webster. Off they went!!!
" what took you so long?" Asked a puzzled PC Roberts when they finally arrived.
" hang on," Mrs McBurrows cried." I've got an idea! If I phone my husband we can find him by tracking his phone!"
She phoned him and sure enough, they heard a faint ringing noise. " Molly, you start digging and I will be along soon," she said in a very calm voice." Good luck, Mrs McBurrows," said PC bobby Roberts.
No sooner had they both started to dig, they came across Mr McBurrows.
" Where did Muddy go?" asked Mrs McBurrows. " I think he went in the other direction," mumbled a weak Digger. " MUM, IS THAT YOU? IT'S VERY DARK WHERE YOU ARE BUT THEN IT GETS A BIT LIGHTER OVER HERE!" " I can't see a thing!" Said Digger.
"There you are Muddy!" The three of them said together.
Later that evening, as Digger and Heidi were getting into bed, Digger asked Heidi why she took so long. She explained about Mr Webster, the crate of new dresses and was about to tell him about how nobody else was around. But digger had already gone to sleep. 

The end. 

Next story: Worry at the windmill!!

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